Welcome to the official online presence of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Stanton. We hope you enjoy your visit here and that you will be blessed by the many offerings. We take great pleasure in sharing the good news of Jesus' love with the world around us. The commission given to us by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 is the fuel which propels us to go tell it on the mountains, over the hills and everywhere. 

Here at the Seventh-day Adventist church in Stanton we seek to create an atmosphere where it's safe to worship with friends, a place where it is safe to bring your friends, a place where people can pray to the God of heaven, a place for energizing teaching, preaching and of course singing.

Just imagine! a place where we reach beyond sterotypes and ethnic boundries, a place where the rich and the poor have in common a loving relationship with Jesus... Just imagine!! This is your place to be...